Hunting tours in Turkey

Bezoar Ibex

Bezoar Ibex


Bezoar ibex is one of the most unique member of the goat family in the world and accepted as the most handsome of the ibex species by some. Turkey is a very important destination for Bezoar hunters, with its great population and excellent trophy quality. As a big game animal, Bezoar rank up there with the best and is one of the most sought after trophy animals in the hunting world. For more than a period of three decades, Turkey has hosted trophy hunters from all over the world, who were in pursuit of this elusive animal and today is ...

Hybrid Bezoar Ibex

Hybrid Bezoar Ibex


The hybrid ibex which is known by Safari Club International and Grand Slam Club Ovis as a official subspecie, is the cross breed between Bezoar ibex and the domestic goat which can be hunted in certain areas of Turkey like Adiyaman. Despite of the fact that there is no uniformity to describe hybrid specimens, distinct features that differentiate hybrid from Bezoar is their big, floppy ears and comparatively longer hair on their body. However, the most prominent difference may be the form of the horns which may flare out distinctively. The hair of this sub-species is long, the points of its hor...

Konya Sheep

Konya Sheep


Konya Sheep in fact, is one of the two subspecies of mouflon that inhabits Turkey. While eastern population is classified as Ovis Gmelini Gmelini, known to hunters also as Armenian Sheep, and seasonably migrates between Iran and the eastern Anatolia; the other population, totally isolated pocket of sheep listed as Ovis gmelini anatolica occupies the central part of the country. Once spread all over Central Turkey, Bozdag mountains had become the only existing site for these animals by the turn of the 20th century. With the approval of a new hunting law in 1937, the remaining number of these...

Anatolian Chamois

Anatolian Chamois


Anatolian Chamois is one of the top ten subspecies SCI recognizes and is indigenous only to Anatolia Turkey. It used to be considered as the toughest one to collect when there was only a limited area available. Due to availability of more areas today, our success rate has improved visibly. Anatolian Chamois horns grow up to 10” inch length and the average trophy is about 8½” around its hook. Turkish Game Department issues very limited permits annually since the Anatolian race of this specie hasn’t got a large population when considered to European race. It requires 7...

Red Stag

Red Stag


Anatolian Red Stag is also named as “Mid-eastern Red Stag” (cervus elaphus maral). Turkish Red stag is strong as the European one, partly even stronger. Old stags might have antler weights of 11 to 14 kilogram, with 300-350 kg body weight. Exceptionally strong ones are also possible as the areas are opened to hunting for the first time after many years and areas are promising wonderful trophies. Rutting time depends on the area however; these amazing bulls mainly have the rut around mid September thru mid October....

Anatolian Gazelle

Anatolian Gazelle


The Anatolian Gazelle has been very recently opened for Hunting after being protected for over 40 years. The gazelle is found in the desert like open rolling hills around the city of Şanlıurfa. Although there are few licenses available, this gazelle is high in numbers and it is possible to find very good sized trophies in this well managed Hunting area. Over the last two years, we have organized the most number of hunts in this area and also have harvested an exceptional World’s Record gazelle that may possibly rank top three in its category of species....

Wild Boar, Stalking

Wild Boar, Stalking


Eurasian wild boar is available in all over Turkey with great population and high trophy quality. These significant features of the wild boar, presents nice hunts and brings great success. In the mountains and hills, boars find ideal habitats with plenty of walnut trees and hazel bushes, which provide excellent feeding grounds for wild boars. Although wild boar population is very good in all parts of Turkey, some areas stand out with its big tusks. These areas are mainly accepted as; Black Sea Region (North of Turkey), Central Anatolia- Ankara & Bolu and Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (sout...

Wild Boar, Driven

Wild Boar, Driven


Eurasian wild boar is available in all over Turkey with great population and high trophy quality. These significant features of the wild boar, presents nice hunts and brings great success. In the mountains and hills, boars find ideal habitats with plenty of walnut trees and hazel bushes, which provide excellent feeding grounds for wild boars. Although wild boar population is very good in all parts of Turkey, some areas stand out with its big tusks. These areas are mainly accepted as; Black Sea Region (North of Turkey), Central Anatolia- Ankara & Bolu and Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (sout...