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Anatolian Gazelle
in Turkey

The Anatolian Gazelle has been very recently opened for hunting after being protected for over 40 years. The gazelle is found in the desert like open rolling hills around the city of Şanlıurfa. Although there are few licenses available, this gazelle is high in numbers and it is possible to find very good sized trophies in this well managed hunting area. 

  • Difficulty Moderate
  • Hunting Season Sep - Dec
  • Hunting style Spot & Stalk
  • Hunting Method Rifle
Hunt Anatolian Gazelle in Turkey


There are direct daily flights of Turkish Airlines from New York and Chicago to Istanbul. In addition to these Turkish Airlines also have direct scheduled flights from L.A., Houston, San Francisco, Miami, Dallas and D.C. to Istanbul. Istanbul also can be reached from many major European cities easily. As Turkish Airlines has connecting flights to South of Turkey where we conduct our Gazelle hunts, we recommend our hunters to fly via Turkish Airlines as they can get the advantage of checking in all the way through to the last destination.

After you arrive in Istanbul, from domestic flights terminal you will board on a flight which will take you to your destination airport. All cities can be reached within 1 to 1 ½ hour flight. It is up to you if you would like to book your own flights until the last destination. But we may as well arrange your domestic flight on request.

After you arrive south of Turkey, we drive you to the hunting area directly which takes 2 to 4 hours depending on the area. Please notice that you will be accompanied by some of Optimum Hunting staff throughout your stay in Turkey. You will never be left alone from the moment you step into the country until the last minute.




The Anatolian Gazelle has been very recently opened for Hunting after being protected for over 40 years. The gazelle is found in the desert like open rolling hills around the city of Şanlıurfa. Although there are few licenses available, this gazelle is high in numbers and it is possible to find very good sized trophies in this well managed Hunting area. Over the last two years, we have organized the most number of hunts in this area and also have harvested an exceptional World’s Record gazelle that may possibly rank top three in its category of species.
Season & Weather & Accomodation
The Anatolian Gazelle has been very recently opened for Hunting after being protected for over 40 years. The gazelle is found in the desert like open rolling hills around the city of Şanlıurfa. Although there are few licenses available, this gazelle is high in numbers and it is possible to find very good sized trophies in this well managed Hunting area. Over the last two years, we have organized the most number of hunts in this area and also have harvested an exceptional World’s Record gazelle that may possibly rank top three in its category of species.
Some photos from the lodging area
    Includes & Excludes

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