Red Stag
in Turkey

Anatolian Red Stag is also named as “Mid-eastern Red Stag”. This member of the Cervus family is quite sizeable and normally bigger than its European counterpart. Rutting time depends on the area however; these amazing bulls mainly have the rut around mid September thru mid October. Optimum Hunting dominates the hunting area and offers you the best guides, besides superb trophy quality.
Difficulty Moderate
Hunting Season Sep-Jan
Hunting style Spot & Stalk
Hunting Method Rifle
There are direct daily flights of Turkish Airlines and Delta from New York and Chicago to Istanbul. Istanbul also can be reached from many major European cities easily. As Turkish Airlines has connecting flights to any side of Turkey, we recommend our hunters to fly via Turkish Airlines. After you arrive in Istanbul, main gate of Turkey, we fly you to central Anatolia (Ankara – capital of Turkey). Istanbul-Ankara takes only 45 min flight. It is up to you if you would like to book your own flights until the last destination. We can arrange your domestic flight on request.
After you arrive in last destination, we drive you to the hunting area directly which takes 2 to 4 hours depending on the area that is chosen for your hunt.
Please notice that you will be accompanied by some of Optimum Hunting Travel staff throughout your stay in Turkey. You will never be left alone from the moment you step into the country until the last minute.
The Anatolian Red Stag is hunted in several areas, located mainly in central Turkey; Ankara, Afyon, Eskişehir Regions. The hunting grounds in mountains are not very high; around 800 mt – 1.500 mt (2.500’- 4.900’). Many areas can be reached in 2 to 4 hours with a smooth drive. In all of the areas, spotting & stalking type of hunt (at early morning and late evening hours) is the main method. Surely some of the areas are easier, compare to many others. But one should always keep in mind that as a general rule, older bulls live in rougher terrain where accessibility and reaching takes time.
The season of this hunt is from mid-September thru end of January. From September thru end of October is the rutting season although different areas might have different rutting periods. Therefore, hunts are mainly done in September and October. Success rate is almost 90 % on these periods. Although it is hard to make a general statement about weather conditions, the temperature should be around 60 – 78 F (15 – 25 C) during the day in September while it is a bit cooler in October. The accommodation type is mainly small nice hotels, village or guest houses.
Dennis Rollinger
Malcolm King
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu
Dennis Rollinger Germany
Dennis Rollinger Germany
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
Cüneyt Akkaşoğlu Turkey
- Day 01 Click to display details
- Day 02-06 Click to display details
- Day 07 Click to display details
Mainly 5 days are required for the Anatolian Red Stag and can be practically completed in 3-4 days. However, we reserve a 5 day-hunt to be on the safe side.
The season of this hunt is from mid-September thru end of January. From September thru end of October is the rutting season although different areas might have different rutting periods. Therefore, hunts are mainly done in September and October. Success rate is almost 90 % on these periods. Although it is hard to make a general statement about weather conditions, the temperature should be around 60 – 78 F (15 – 25 C) during the day in September while it is a bit cooler in October. The accommodation type is mainly small nice hotels, village or guest houses.
Includes & Excludes